Project tasks/en/
From Help.4pm
Table contains list of all project tasks and assignments. Here you can monitor the progress of tasks, change task status (confirm, reject done assignments...), evaluate assignments... Click + above the table to open full table (all columns).
Tasks are the basic unit of a project. It is used to plan work activities for a project (content, time frames, and resources). It is used for work reporting and collaboration. Use tasks for:
- project work activity plan: set start and end date, content and available resources (time = hours). Assign team members (who). You can monitor task progress by % estimation or calculate progress from assigned and reported hours.
- communication and collaboration - exchange of comments, documents organized by task. Integrated e-mailing system delivers comments and links to documents to task participants by e-mail.
- project / task work reporting - basic information on task is always available for task team members. They know the due date, available and reported hours, work of other task participants.
Task status
assigned - new task to be accepted. If a task has a status assigned, user cannot report work time, can enter comments.
accepted - task accepted by user: can report work hours, enter comments.
rejected - task rejected by user, work reporting not possible. Responsible must confirm rejection.
done - marked as done by user, removed from active tasks, no work reporting is possible. User can cancel status done and re-open it for work reporting (again to status accepted).
closed - confirmed by project manager. Assignee cannot reopen it. Project manager can evaluate it, edit eligible hours.
- green check task done in due date,
- red check - task was late.
Closing tasks and evaluating
When task is marked done, project manager should:
- Task can be closed and evaluated by project manager any time.
- Users cannot reopen closed task,
- Users can recall done task and open it for hours entry if it has not been closed;
- Users cannot report work hours on closed taks.
- Task evaluation can be edited and/or corrected later by clicking icon
in the task list.