Project tasks/en/

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Table contains list of all project tasks and assignments. Here you can monitor the progress of tasks, change task status (confirm, reject done assignments...), evaluate assignments... Click + above the table to open full table (all columns).


'Tasks are the basic unit of a project. It is used to plan work activities'Bold text for a project (content, time frames, and resources). It is used for work reporting and collaboration. Use tasks for:

  1. project work activity plan: set start and end date, content and available resources (time = hours). Assign team members (who). You can monitor task progress by % estimation or calculate progress from assigned and reported hours.
  2. communication and collaboration - exchange of comments, documents organized by task. Integrated e-mailing system delivers comments and links to documents to task participants by e-mail.
  3. project/task work reportinf - basic information on task is always available for task team members. They know the due date, available and reported hours, work of other task participants.

Task status

  • 3.13.ikonaOpravljeno.JPG assigned - new task to be accepted. If a task has a status assigned, user cannot report work time, can enter comments.
  • Naloga sprejeta.JPGaccepted - task accepted by user: can report work hours, enter comments.
  • 4.7.ikonaRdecKrizec.jpg rejected - task rejected by user, work reporting not possible. Responsible must confirm rejection.
  • Ura.JPG done - marked as done by user, removed from active tasks, no work reporting is possible. User can cancel status done and re-open it for work reporting (again to status accepted).
  • 4.2.9.ikonaKljukcaZelena.jpg closed - confirmed by project manager. Assignee cannot reopen it. Project manager can evaluate it, edit eligible hours.
    • green check task done in due date,
    • red check - task was late.

Zaključevanje in ocenjevanje nalog

Ko je zadolžitev na nalogi končana, jo odgovorna oseba:

  • zaključi,
  • uredi upravičene in neupravičene ure ter
  • oceni številčno in opisno. 4.3.2.ikonaOcenaNaNalogo.jpg.
  • oceno lahko vodja kadarkoli med projektom še spremeni in popravi s klikom na ikono 4.3.2.ikonaOcenaNaNalogo.jpgv seznamu nalog na projektu.

Zaključevanje in ocena naloge.JPG


  • Odgovorna oseba lahko kadarkoli zaključi nalogo, ne glede na stanje naloge. S tem prepreči, da bi osebe poročale o porabljenem času.
  • Spremembe vseh statusov 4PM samodejno beleži med komentarji na nalogi Prikaži spremembe stanj.
  • Zadolženi imajo za opravljanje določene naloge dodeljene ure. Vse opravljene ure se samodejno upoštevajo kot upravičene ure. Če projektni vodja meni, da je zadolženi porabil preveč ur za določeno nalogo, mu lahko upravičene ure poljubno zmanjša do vrednosti dodeljenih ur.