Project gant/en/

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Gantt Chart

Project Gantt Chart shows time schedule of project activities by phases, tasks, milestones and meetings. All changes (add new activity, edit) of project activities can be seen to the project team.

Drag & Drop

Gant Chart can be moved in any direction using the mouse - a long click to hold Gantt Chart and move it in any direction: up, down, left, right.

  • up and down (scroll) - the structure of the project.
  • left and right: shift + scroll - by the timeline forward, back
  • Move the periods (days - weeks - months - quarter - years): Ctrl + scroll
  • Double-click on the element to view phases, tasks, milestones, meetings details

View details of task, phase

Display items below element by clicking the + icon . I. E. To look at task assignments, click the + at the selected task.

Full screen view

By clicking button full-screen. Clicking on the same button, returns back to normal view.

Editing Gantt-Chart (Edit)

Important - you can redo or undo last changes in the Gantt-Chart. Once changes are saved, they cannot be undone or redone.

Moving phase/task/milestone in the Gantt-Chart (left-right)

  1. Click EDIT to open project Gantt-Chart for editing
  2. Click element to select it
  3. long mouse click to hold the element and move it.
  4. subordinated elements are moved according to the movement of the selected element.
  5. confirm change(s) by clicking SAVE.

Change the duration of phase/task/milestone

  1. Click EDIT to open project Gantt-Chart for editing
  2. Click element to select it
  3. Use mouse to move start/end date of the element
  4. confirm change(s) by clicking SAVE.

Change the order of phase/task/milestone

  1. Click EDIT to open project Gantt-Chart for editing
  2. in the column with name of phase/task/milestone select phase/task/milestone by clicking it.
  3. use mouse click to hold the element and drag and drop it to selected place
  4. you can move phase/task/milestone
  5. confirm change(s) by clicking SAVE.

Adding new elements (phase/task/milestone)

  1. Click EDIT to open project Gantt-Chart for editing

Click icons to:

  • add phase/subphase 4.3.ikonaDodajFazo.jpg
  • add task 4.3.ikonaDodajNalogo.jpg
  • add milestone 4.3.ikonaUstvariMejnik.jpg
  • call a meeting 4.3.ikonaSkliciSestanek.jpg

Deleting elements (phase/task/assignments/milestone)

  • If elements do not have bound records you can delete them in the Gantt-Chart by clicking 2.2.2.ikonaZapri.jpg
  • You can delete assignments if there aren't any bound records: (i. e. entered hours of work, comments 2.2.2.ikonaZapri.jpg.