FF hourly rates

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Hourly rates

Manual entry of hourly rate

Hourly rate - manual.JPG

No salary data needed. You calculate hourly rate of your co-workers and enter it to 4PM here:

  2. click add hourly rate
  3. fill-in the form:
    1. select the project type
    2. enter date of hourly rate (all work entries after this date will have the value set in this form)
    3. enter value of hourly rate
  4. save.

Salary import and automatic hourly rate calculation

Hourly rate - import.JPG
Import salary sample.JPG

Prepare annual salary data for each co-worker (team member of a project) and fill in Excel sheet you find in tab IMPORT / SALARY - salaries. Go to:

  2. fill in the template. Each line is for individual team member:
    1. Številka dokumenta - text field, not obliagtory
    2. Ime - obligatory field (same as in 4PM)
    3. Priimek - obligatory field (same as in 4PM)
    4. El. Pošta - obligatory field (same as in 4PM)
    5. Št. zaposlenega - text field, not obliagtory
    6. Datum plače - 1.1.2015
    7. Datum plačila - /
    8. Efektivne ure - total effective hours in year
    9. Bruto plača € - total gross salary
    10. Prispevki na bruto plačo € - total contributions
    11. Neupravičeni stroški € - ineligible costs
    12. Neupravičeni prispevki € - ineligible contributions
    13. Prehrana €
    14. Prevoz na delo €
    15. Potni nalogi in dnevnice €
    16. Regres
    17. Zavarovanje
    18. Skupaj

Formula: total costs / total effective hours = annual hourly rate