FF hourly rates
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Manual entry of hourly rate
No salary data needed. You calculate hourly rate of your co-workers and enter it to 4PM here:
- click add hourly rate
- fill-in the form:
- select the project type
- enter date of hourly rate (all work entries after this date will have the value set in this form)
- enter value of hourly rate
- save.
Salary import and automatic hourly rate calculation
Prepare annual salary data for each co-worker (team member of a project) and fill in Excel sheet you find in tab IMPORT / SALARY - salaries. Go to:
- fill in the template. Each line is for individual team member:
- Številka dokumenta - text field, not obliagtory
- Ime - obligatory field (same as in 4PM)
- Priimek - obligatory field (same as in 4PM)
- El. Pošta - obligatory field (same as in 4PM)
- Št. zaposlenega - text field, not obliagtory
- Datum plače - 1.1.2015
- Datum plačila - /
- Efektivne ure - total effective hours in year
- Bruto plača € - total gross salary
- Prispevki na bruto plačo € - total contributions
- Neupravičeni stroški € - ineligible costs
- Neupravičeni prispevki € - ineligible contributions
- Prehrana €
- Prevoz na delo €
- Potni nalogi in dnevnice €
- Regres
- Zavarovanje
- Skupaj
Formula: total costs / total effective hours = annual hourly rate