Project com/en/

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Main project data to put project into organizational structure

  • project name* - descriptive name of the project.
  • project group* also used to put projects to programme, department, division.... Important for eventual integration 4PM-ERP system.
  • priority - drop-down list: 4 levels. Recommended internal rules.
  • project size - drop-down list: 4 levels. Recommended internal rules.
  • project status - drop-down list to label and group project through life cycle.
  • description - main project goals, text field

obligatory fields (*)

click show details to show additional fields:

  • PROJECT ID - unique identifier, automatically created by 4PM
  • MAIN PROJECT FOR PROJECT GROUP - for management of activities or costs on the level of project group (programme)


  • history of changes is hidden in detailed overview, under the icon "hour". PROJECT OPENED BY

Main project participants

Overview of main project participants from project team.


Settings of project roles in the project scorecard are set in GENERAL / PARTICIPANTS / PERSONS' ROLE by selecting SHOW ON SCORECARD


Quick links to main parts of the project: participants, Gantt-chart, finance scorecard, documents.


Project plan & scoreboards

Display of additional fields in the scorecard should be activated in the general application settings.


  • Planned hours: manually enter the card (do not take into account the number of hours allocated to individual tasks).
  • Planned start and end dates: manual entry.
  • Duration: automatic calculation of the number of quarters of the project: ((date-end date) / 91.25).
  • COMPLETION PLAN BY TIME-SHEET: the current date-start date / project duration - automatic calculation. Closed projects have a plan of realization of 100%.
  • 'SUBJECTIVE ESTIMATION OF ACCOMPLISHMENT OF THE PROJECT: manual entry by project manager and record of changes.

% COMPLETION OF PLANNED HOURS: hours reported / hours allocated

  • SUBJECTIVE ASSESSMENT - SCHEDULED REALIZATION: difference between plan and actual progress.

Changes history

4PM keeps automatic track of all project changes.

  • 'Scorecard: all editable fields. To open changes history click shpow details and find icon 4.1.2.ikonaEvidenca.jpg: a list of all changes: date, user and change description (old > new)


  • Resources: all changes in project team: new persons, new organizations, changes of project roles and project organizational structure.
  • Financial plan: changes of total sum of project finance plan.

Copy project

To copy an existing project click COPY PROJECT to open a copy form. Select the categories you wish to copy:

  • GENERAL - all data in scorecard. New project will have new name labelled with: (copy). A project copy can be renamed.
  • RESOURCES - all project team
  • TASKS & MILESTONES - all project task, phases and milestones. No resources will be allocated
  • ASSIGNMENTS - all project task, phases and milestones. All resources will be copied
  • START DATE - the new start date. All project activities are moved according to new start date.

Good to know Project templates can be used for rapid entry of projects to 4PM. When copying template just select a new start date for the project. Application moves all planned project activities according to a new start date. Once the copy is completed, the resources get allocated new tasks, milestones. The application does not send e-mail notifications.

Close project

Once a project has ended, it needs to be closed in 4PM and put in to archive of all closed projects.

  1. close all tasks, meetings, milestones
  2. close all incomes (enter inflows)

In project scorecard click CLOSE PROJECT to open a form:

  1. select project status of closed project
  2. enter actual project end date
  3. select one or more reasons for closure.

Once the project is closed, you cannot edit it. Project and project team can be evaluated.