From Help.4pm
My Dashboard
4PM Dashboard is customized to each user according to user rights. We have gathered the most frequently used functionalities that users need for their daily work.
Quick access
The user optionally sets which short-cuts are more often used. To change Quick access list click the blue arrow icon.
- The window expands or. collapses by clicking on the link more/less on the bottom of the frame.
- The default view is the 5 elements.
- Content of Quick access can be changed in the title bar of the frame. By clicking a short-cut to open a pre-prepared lists: tasks, milestones, meetings, comments, tasks, comments, project, projects, new documents.
- Icon
is a short-cut fo full list of selected elements.
The list contains all my tasks (accepted).
- To open task pop-up with details and comments click task name.
- To go to project, click project name (only if you have rights).
add entry on work done.
quick link to adding task comment or change of task status to done.
The list contains all my milestones (accepted).
- To open milestone pop-up with details and comments click milestone name.
- To go to project, click project name (only if you have rights).
The list contains all my meetings (accepted).
- click meeting name to open meeting pop-up with details and comments .
- To go to project, click project name (only if you have rights).
add entry on meeting work done.
quick link to adding comment or change of task status to done.
- quick link to accepting/rejecting meeting invitation
Task comments
The quick list contains 20 latest task comments, by chronological order, newest on top.