Project financial state com/en/
From Help.4pm
Financial status
General overview of project financial status. Click the icon to select prefered view:
Normal - default
- overview by project or phase,
- contractual value of the project (set in project scorecard),
- total planned / actual costs
- total actual incomes,
- inflows and outflows (payments)
4PM shows current project financial performance:
- planned difference between contractual project value and planned costs,
- current difference between contractual project value and actual costs,
Overview of financial status:
- difference between inflows and outflows,
- guarantees,
- cash flow of the project (inflows/incomes)* 100,
- to charge (difference between contractual project value - actual incomes),
- to charge % (difference between contractual project value - actual incomes)/contractual project value *100.
Financial status - by periods
Here you can monitor project financial status according to project cost plan:
- The overview integrates plan and actual cost
- by year
- by (current) month
Source of data are tabs COST PLAN and COSTS. Financial plan is distributed to 12 months (according to number of working days).
Spremljanje finančnega stanja projekta glede na projektno listino (plan stroškov):
- primerjava realizacije in plana
- po letih in
- v tekočem mesecu. Vir podatkov sta zavihka PLAN STROŠKOV in STROŠKI.
V finančni izkaznici prikazujemo stroške po:
- datumu dokumenta (privzeto);
- po datumu plačila;
- po datumu opravljene storitve.