Person roles rights/en/
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Advanced access rights are edited in the tab ACCESS / ACCESS GROUPS:
- Check if your licence includes advanced user rights (
- Go to the tab ACCESS / ACCESS RIGHTS / PROJECT ROLES. Here you can edit the extent of access rights for each available PERSONNEL PROJECT ROLE. User can access project data when he/she is added to project group(PROJECT/RESOURCES) according to set access rights. This signifies that each person can have various access rights for various project.
- Some users can have set wider user rights within project groups. You set this individual project groups rights for each user in ACCESS / USERS.
- Advanced user rights can be enabled in application settings.
4PM users can have 2 or 3 level of access rights:
- ACCESS GROUPS: general settings for access to various functionalities and modules of the application.
TABS: access, calendar, files, general, holiday*, import, my 4PM, monetary, resources (organizations, personnel, resource plan), portals, e-mail notifications, settings, travel orders*, overviews
- PROJECT GROUPS: settings for access to project data according to project groups - for individual user.
TABS: new project, reopen project, comments, lock of costs, costs, evaluations, attachments to financial events, financial state, project scorecard, gantt-chart, revenues, hourly fees, financial events, project participants, creditor's debt obligations, % completion of planned hours, % completion by subjective assessment, cost plan analysis, portal, reporting, tasks & milestones, value.
- When you add user to project team and select a project role you set his project access rights.TABS: new project, reopen project, comments, lock of costs, costs, evaluations, attachments to financial events, financial state, project scorecard, gantt-chart, revenues, hourly fees, financial events, project participants, creditor's debt obligations, % completion of planned hours, % completion by subjective assessment, cost plan analysis, portal, reporting, tasks & milestones, value.
Glede na pravice dostopa do posameznih zavihkov oz. funkcionalnosti pravic dostopa določimo ali lahko:
- Vidi podatke
- Ureja podatke (urejanje obstoječih)
- Vnaša podatke (dodajanje novih)
- Briše podatke
- Dostopa do seznamov na nivoju projekta in v zavihku PREGLEDI
Za vsak modul in pripadajoč pod -modul določite, ali ima uporabnik pravico brisati, urejati, vnašati zapise, ali ima pravico do seznama in pravico do vpogleda.
- Označen (kljukica) modul pomeni, da je pravica vklopljena.