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=Project plan=
= Project plan =
* Project team members must perform certain activities to achieve project goals in set time frames. Project activities can be '''phases, work packages, tasks, milestones...'''
* Preparing '''project schedule''' and Gantt-chart is simultaneous with '''task and activity allocation''' to team members. All corrections (dates, content) are available to team members in real time, with no delays.
* Project team members use tasks for every-day '''collaboration and communication''' (entering comments, uploading and sharing project documents) and '''reporting''' (task progress reporting, hours done)
* All information is archived, organized and available to use. All communication can be also sent by e-mails.
Project course is scheduled in 4PM and at the same time tasks and assingments are allocated to 4PM users in a transparent manner (in 4PM and by e-mail).
*Project team members must perform certain activities to achieve project goals in set time frames. Project activities can be '''phases, work packages, tasks, milestones...'''
*Preparing '''project schedule''' and Gantt-chart is simultaneous with '''task and activity allocation''' to team members. All corrections (dates, content) are available to team members in real time, with no delays.
*Project team members use tasks for every-day '''collaboration and communication''' (entering comments, uploading and sharing project documents) and '''reporting''' (task progress reporting, hours done)
*All information is archived, organized and available to use. All communication can be also sent by '''e-mails'''.
Project course is scheduled in 4PM and at the same time tasks and assignments are allocated to 4PM users in a transparent manner (in 4PM and by e-mail).
==How to plan project schedule==  
== How to plan project schedule ==
Project schedule (Gantt-chart) is made by the use of phases, tasks and milestones:
* '''phase''' is created by clicking the icon [[file:4.3.ikonaDodajFazo.jpg]],
Project schedule (Gantt-chart) is made by the use of phases, tasks and milestones:  
* '''task''' click [[file:4.3.ikonaDodajNalogo.jpg]]; to delegate task to one or more team members it should be assigned to project participants (add).
* '''milestone''' click [[file:4.3.ikonaUstvariMejnik.jpg ]],
* '''meeting''' click [[file:4.3.ikonaSkliciSestanek.jpg]]
* Import and Export to Excel [[file:4.3.ikonaIzvozInUvoz.jpg]]
* click [[file:4.3.ikonaDodaj(zelenKrogPlus).jpg]] to add child activity to phase.
==Management of project phases ==
*'''phase''' is created by clicking the icon [[Image:4.3.ikonaDodajFazo.jpg]],
Phase can be:
*'''task''' click [[Image:4.3.ikonaDodajNalogo.jpg]]; to delegate task to one or more team members it should be assigned to project participants (add).
* a group of similar project activities (work package, WP)
*'''milestone''' click [[Image:4.3.ikonaUstvariMejnik.jpg]],  
* group of activities in narrower time limit
*'''meeting''' click [[Image:4.3.ikonaSkliciSestanek.jpg]]
* smaller project (sub project)...
*Import and Export to Excel [[Image:4.3.ikonaIzvozInUvoz.jpg]]
*click [[Image:4.3.ikonaDodaj(zelenKrogPlus).jpg]] to add child activity to phase.
===New phase===
== Management of project phases  ==
# click icon [[file:4.3.ikonaDodajFazo.jpg]] to open form.
Phase can be:  
# enter '''phase name''' and '''abbreviation'''
# select head of phase (from the list of participants),
# planned hours of work (optional)
# planned start and end date
and short description
* Each phase can have any number of '''sub-phases'''.[[file:4.3.ikonaDodajFazo.jpg]]
*a group of similar project activities (work package, WP)
* Head of the phase receives milestone for the phase end date.
*group of activities in narrower time limit
*smaller project (sub project)...
===Phase and cost planning and cost monitoring===
=== New phase ===
# financial plan and cost can be monitored at the level of individual phases.
#*If the first plan financial plan at the level of the project, and later added phase inherit already planned costs in the value of 0 In this case, you can monitor the level of implementation of each phase, a comparison of the plan and the performance to be at the level of the project.
#click icon [[Image:4.3.ikonaDodajFazo.jpg]] to open form.
#enter '''phase name''' and '''abbreviation'''
#select head of phase (from the list of participants),
#planned hours of work (optional)
#planned start and end date
# and short description.
# Če želimo, lahko spremljamo finančni plan in realizacijo na nivoju posamezne faze. Če najprej načrtujemo finančni plan na nivoju projekta, kasneje dodane faze podedujejo že načrtovane stroške v vrednosti 0. V tem primeru boste lahko spremljali realizacijo na nivoju posamezne faze, primerjava plana in realizacije pa bo na nivoju projekta.
# Če želimo načrtovati plan na nivoju posameznih faz (delovnih sklopov, WP), moramo najprej načrtovati faze in aktivnosti, ki jih v naslednjem koraku povežemo s finančnim planom. To je pomembno predvsem pri so-financiranih projektih.
=='''Dodajanje nalog'''==
*Each phase can have any number of '''sub-phases'''.[[Image:4.3.ikonaDodajFazo.jpg]]
Naloga je osnovna enota na projektu, ki ima dodeljene vire. Predstavlja aktivnost, ki je potrebna za dosego projektnega cilja.  
*Head of the phase receives milestone for the phase end date.
Naloge uporabljamo za:
=== Phase and cost planning and cost monitoring ===
# '''terminsko načrtovanje aktivnosti''': ima določen začetek in konec ter vsebino. Ima tudi enega ali več zadolženih. Na nivoju nalog spremljamo napredek posamezne zadolžitve, status zadolžitev.
# '''komuniciranje in skupinsko delo''' z izmenjavo komentarjev in dokumentov, ki so povezani z določeno nalogo. Integriran e-poštni sistem poskrbi, da so udeleženci obveščeni tudi po e-pošti.
# '''dnevno poročanje o opravljenem delu''': zadolženi vedno pri roki podatke o vsebin naloge, roku, do kdaj mora biti naloga opravljena, porabljenem času, kako napreduje delo sodelavcev na nalogi. Enostavni vnosni obrazci olajšajo poročanje. Ko poroča o porabljenem času tudi poroča o svojih stroških dela. Ko je naloga končana, ji spremeni status in obvesti vodjo.
===Nova naloga===
#financial plan and cost can be monitored at the level of individual phases.
S klikom na ikono naloga [[file:4.3.ikonaDodajNalogo.jpg]] odpremo obrazec za vnos nove naloge. ''Naloge lahko dodajamo tudi v Moj 4PM / vnos / dodaj nalogo.''
#*If financial plan is inserted first, later added phases inherit planned costs types in the value of 0. In this case, you can monitor the level of implementation of each phase, a comparison of the plan and implementation is at the level of the project.  
#Financial plan and implementation can be monitored on the level of individual phase (work package).  
##enter project activity plan by phases and activities (Gantt chart, project schedule)
##connect project activities with financial plan.
* Izberemo '''aktivnost''', ki je potrebna za izvedbo naloge. Aktivnosti izberemo iz šifranta aktivnosti, ki veljajo za tip projketa.
This is important for project management and reporting for co-financed projects.  
* '''Poimenujemo nalogo'''.
* Določimo '''trajanje''' naloge. Datum zaključka naloge ni obvezno polje, lahko je prazno ali poljubno določeno.
**''Če naloga nima datuma zaključka, potem ne moremo načrtovati zasedenosti zadolženih na nalogi.''
**''Če ima aktivnost določeno trajanje ('''SPLOŠNO / SISTEMATIZACIJA / SEZNAM AKTIVNOSTI'''), aplikacija sama predlaga datum zaključka naloge.''
**''Če imamo vklopljeno logično preverjanje datumov, morajo biti datumi v časovnih okvirih, ki so določeni v nadrejenih fazah oz. projektu.''
* Vnesemo poljuben '''opis naloge''',
* pripnemo '''povezave do dokumentov'''.
* Izberemo, katera od '''organizacij''', ki sodelujejo na projektu, izvaja nalogo.
* Dodamo '''osebo''' (ali več oseb), ki so zadolžene za opravljanje naloge. Izbiramo med
** '''udeleženci projekta''' - so dodani na projekt, ali
**'''delovnimi skupinami''' (delovne skupine moramo predhodno dodati na projekt), ki sodelujejo na projektu,
* dodelimo ure ter
* opišemo zadolžitve; polje za opis zadolžitve odpremo z '''dvojnim klikom''', opišemo in potrdimo z zeleno kljukico.
* Izbor oseb potrdimo s klikom na dodaj in shranimo.
===Urejanje nalog===
== Task management ==
Če želimo urejati obstoječo nalogo (popraviti roke, dodati zadolžene, spremeniti opis...), kliknemo na nalogo v POTEKU PROJEKTA, GANTOGRAMU ali v RAZLIČNIH SEZNAMIH z nalogami.
Naloga se odpre v novem oknu in kliknemo na ikono "uredi" [[image: 2.2.2.ikonaSvincnik.jpg‎]]. V obrazcu za urejanje naloge uredimo podatke in shranimo (glej dodajanje nalog).
Vpogled v podrobnosti posamezne naloge odpremo s klikom na ikono "podrobnosti" [[image: 2.2.2.ikonaLupa.jpg‎]]:
Task is basic unit of the project with allocated resources. It represents an activity that is necessary to achieve project goal(s).
* faza, v kateri je naloga,
* kdo je prijavil nalogo,
* trajanje naloge,
* seznam zadolženih na nalogi s podatki o stanju zadolžitve (ocena realizacije naloge)
===Naloge in dokumenti===
4PM uses task to:  
Nalogam lahko pripenjamo povezave do dokumentov:
* ki so že naloženi na projektni portal ali v dokumentni sistem
* neposredno na nalogo, v polje opis ali h komentarjem.
===Naloge in komentarji===
#'''schedule project activities'''. Each task has set duration (start and end date), it has content (what to do) and one or more assigned participants. Task progress and status can be monitored
Člani na projektni nalogi komunicirajo s pomočjo '''komentarjev na nalogah''':
#'''collaboration and communication''' - by exchanging task comments and task documents. Integrated e-mailing systems enables effective communication in the group.
* komentarji, ki jih udeleženci vpišejo neposredno na nalogo,
#'''daily reporting on work progress''' - each team member can access all relevant task information: task due date, allocated time and time spent, task progress of co-workers. Simple reporting forms enable time effective daily reporting and communication tool. Once a task is completed, a status is changed and notification sent to project manager.
* komentarji v sporočilu pri akcijah na nalogah (sprejmi, zavrni, opravljena, končana, prekliči),
* samodejni komentarji pri akcijah in spremembah stanja naloge (dodeljena, sprejeta, zavrnjena…),
Komentarjem lahko dodajamo '''''dokumente'''''. Ko komentar napišemo in shranimo, z e-pošto obvestimo:
=== New task ===
* ekipo na projektu (vsi, ki izvajajo naloge),
* vse na projektu (torej tudi naročnika, podizvajalce, partnerje…),
* vodjo projekta.
Click icon [[Image:4.3.ikonaDodajNalogo.jpg]] to open form. ''New tasks can be added in My 4PM/Insert/new task.''
===Naloge in EU projekti===
#select '''activity''' for task performance. Use list of project activities.
Če vpisujemo naloge za EU projekte, moramo udeležencu določiti še stroškovno področje, na katerega se naloga nanaša. Z dvojnim klikom na prazno polje v stolpcu stroškovno področje odpremo spustni seznam stroškovnih področij, ki smo jih določili v planu stroškov zaposlenih, izberemo in potrdimo s klikom na zeleno kljukico. Polje za opis zadolžitve odpremo z dvojnim klikom, opišemo zadolžitev in potrdimo.  
#enter task name (short description).
#set start and end date for the task.
#*if activity has set general duration (please check General/classification/list of activities) then application suggests end date (it can be changed)
#*if '''warning display for dates''' is on, then all dates must be within parent activity (phase, project)
#*if task does not have planned end date and allocated hours, it cannot used for resource load planning.
#optionally enter '''task description''' and
#attach '''links to documents'''
#select organization
#add assignees:
#*project participants (one or more) or
#*working groups (must be added to project).  
#add number of available hours for a task for each individual
#optionally enter individual's task description (double click + confirm)
#confirm by '''ADD''
#save and send e-mail notification to all task members.
'''''Dobro je vedeti:''''' ''stroškovna področja na evropskem projektu moramo predhodno planirati.''
=== Edit task ===
To change dates, add new task members, change description, add a comment, click task name to open task form in: any list of tasks, Gantt-chart, project course... Click [[Image:2.2.2.ikonaSvincnik.jpg]] to open task for editing.
===Realizacija nalog===
Task details are accessible by clicking [[Image:2.2.2.ikonaLupa.jpg]]:
4PM omogoča dva načina spremljanja realizacije (izvedbe) posamezne zadolžitve in naloge.
* '''Samodejno:''' če ima naloga (zadolžitev) dodeljene ure (> 0), potem se pri vpisu opravljenih ur na nalogi, samodejno '''izračuna realizacije''' (opravljene ure/dodeljene ure)*100.
* '''Ročno:''' zadolženi pri posamezni nalogi pri vpisu opravljenih ur vpiše svojo "oceno realizacije". Ta se lahko razlikuje od izračunane, če je vpisana ocena realizacije, potem se pri nadaljnjih izračunih upošteva ta.
Barve grafičnega prikaza - zadolžitve:
*parent phase of the task
*task reporter,
*task duration,
*list of task participants (assigned to) and state of task (task progress estimation)
=== Task and documents ===
* izračunana realizacija <= ocenjena realizacija (izvedba naloge poteka hitreje ali enako kot načrtovano)
* zaključene zadolžitve: 100 % realizacija
Task can have links to documents:  
* izračunana realizacija >= ocenjena realizacija (naloga poteka počasneje kot načrtovano)
* opravljene ure < dodeljenih ur
*that are up-loaded to 4PM (folder ''Tasks'' or any other project sub-folder that user can access
* izračunana realizacija > ocenjena realizacija (naloga poteka počasneje kot načrtovano)
*direct up-load to task in the field ''description'' or ''comments''.
* opravljene ure > dodeljenih ur
'''''Realizacija nalog'''''
=== Comments - collaboration ===
Pri nalogah, ki imajo več zadolžitev, aplikacija uporabi za izračun realizacije naloge povprečje % dokončanosti posameznih zadolžitev. Izračun uporablja uteži s količino dodeljenih ur. To pomeni, da se bolj upoštevajo zadolžitve z več dodeljenimi urami. Če ure niso dodeljene, se aproksimira dodeljene ure iz % dokončanosti in opravljenih ur.
=== Statusi nalog===
* [[file: 3.13.ikonaOpravljeno.JPG‎]] '''dodeljena''' - nova naloga, ki jo mora uporabnik sprejeti, šele potem lahko poroča o porabljenem času.
Team communication and collaboration is by '''task comments''':  
* [[file: Naloga_sprejeta.JPG‎]]'''sprejeta''' - naloga, ki jo je uporabnik sprejel, lahko vpisuje delo, komentarje
* [[file: 4.7.ikonaRdecKrizec.jpg‎]] '''zavrnjena''' - naloga, ki jo je uporabnik zavrnil. Ne more vpisovati ur. Odgovorna oseba mora tudi zavrnjeno zadolžitev zaključiti.
* [[file: Ura.JPG‎]] '''opravljena''' - uporabnik je zaključil nalogo. S tem jo posreduje odgovorni osebi, da jo zaključi ali zavrne. Uporabnik lahko sam prekliče status '''opravljena''' in nalogi spremeni status v '''dodeljena'''.
* [[file: 4.2.9.ikonaKljukcaZelena.jpg‎]] '''zaključena''' - odgovorna oseba je nalogo pregledala in jo lahko zaključi (zapre za vpisovanje ur) in oceni, uredi upravičene in neupravičene ure.
** '''Zelena kljukica''' označuje, da je bila naloga zaključena in opravljena v roku,
** '''rdeča kljukica''' - naloga je zamujala
*comments entered on a task (edit)
* Odgovorna oseba lahko kadarkoli zaključi nalogo, ne glede na stanje naloge. S tem prepreči, da bi osebe poročale o porabljenem času.
*comments at project work reporting (daily description of work on task)
* Spremembe vseh statusov 4PM samodejno beleži med komentarji na nalogi '''Prikaži spremembe stanj'''.
*comments at task actions (accept, reject, done, finished, cancelled)
*automatic comments on task actions
===Obveščanje o novih in spremenjenih nalogah===
Comments can have links to '''documents'''[[Image:IkonaPriponka.JPG]]. Comments can be
'''Pošiljanje obvestil je določeno v '''splošnih nastavitvah aplikacije'''
*'''izklopljeno:''' ne pošilja obvestil po e-pošti,
*'''avtomatično:''' samodejno pošlje vsem udeležencem na nalogi in vodji projekta,
*'''ročno:''' osnovnemu oknu je dodan gumb SHRANI IN OBVESTI – uporabnik izbere, koga želi obvestiti o novi/spremenjeni nalogi. Če ne izberete nobenega, potem ni poslano nobeno sporočilo, akcija se shrani.
===Relacije med nalogami===
#only saved to task or
#saved and sent by e-mail notification [[Image:IkonaPismo.JPG]] to:
#*all team members
#*all task members
#*project manager.
Naloge lahko povezujemo. Podrejeno (odvisno) nalogo vedno povezujemo k nadrejeni nalogi, pri tem pa moramo upoštevati:
=== Tasks and EU Projects ===
* datum zaključka nadrejene naloge mora biti en dan pred začetkom odvisne naloge,
Tasks on EU projects need to have set cost field. To plan project activities you need to put '''financial plan''' to 4PM first with '''planned personnel costs''' and cost fiels.  
* če naloga že vsebuje opravljene ure, ni mogoče spreminjati trajanja naloge,
* relacije med nalogami so možne samo znotraj ene faze,
* udeleženec ne more sprejeti odvisne naloge in vpisati ur, dokler ni zaključena nadrejena naloga (vse zadolžitve),
* če so na odvisno nalogo že vpisane ure, potem nadrejene naloge ni mogoče odpirati za nove vpise,
* če ima naloga odvisno nalogo, ji ne moremo spreminjati trajanja,
* premikanje odvisnih nalog ni samodejno, uporabnika opozori na potrebne popravke,
* naloge poljubno urejamo, če odstranimo povezave.
Same task can have various cost fields set (each assignment needs to have set cost field).  
Relacije med nalogami so odvisne od licence. Kontaktirajte upravljavca aplikacije.
*'''double-click''' on the field '''cost field''' at assignment
*select planned cost field
*confirm [[Image:4.2.9.ikonaKljukcaZelena.jpg]]
==Dodajanje mejnikov==
=== Task progress ===
Mejniki so točke v poteku projekta. Lahko so povezani
* samostojni mejniki,
* s koncem faz (samodejni mejnik),
* končni datumi nalog, lahko so izročki...
Za en mejnik je zadolžena ena oseba.
Pri dodajanju mejnikov
4PM supports two possibilities to monitor task progress and execution:
#izberemo aktivnost,
# vpišemo opis,
# določimo organizacijo in odgovorno osebo ter
# pričakovani datum zaključka.
Če se mejnik ponavlja, označimo pogostost ponavljanja in trajanje.  
*'''Automatic''' - assignment needs to have allocated (planned) hours (&gt;0): task progress is automatically calculated at each '''work entry''' by formula: (hours done/allocated hours)*100.  
*'''Manual''' - each task participant enters '''personal estimation''', which can be different from automatic.
===Pošiljanje obvestil o novih / spremenjenih mejnikih===
==== Colours of task progress ====
Odvisno od '''splošnih nastavitev aplikacije''':
*''izklopljeno'': ne pošilja obvestil po e-pošti,
*''avtomatično'': samodejno pošlje vsem udeležencem na nalogi in vodji projekta,
*''ročno'': osnovnemu oknu je dodan gumb SHRANI IN OBVESTI – uporabnik izbere, koga želi obvestiti o novi/spremenjeni nalogi.
== Sestanki==
Sestanki so posebna oblika nalog (izbrana aktivnost, določeno trajanje, zadolženi - povabljeni na sestanek), ki imajo dodane parametre, ki povežejo nalogo s koledarjem (npr. Outlookov koledar).
===Nov sestanek===
*Manual &lt;= Automatic (Task progress is faster or the same as planned)  
Ko želimo sklicevati sestanek v 4PM
*closed assignments: 100&nbsp;% progress
# izberemo aktivnost (sestanek, kolegij),
# vpišemo zadevo sestanka (ime naloge),
# lokacijo sestanka in
# datum, čas začetka in predvideno trajanje,
# pripnemo datoteko, opis (npr. dnevni red),
# izberemo udeležence (povabimo na sestanek)
in shranimo.
Pri vnosu novega sestanka 4PM preverja ''razpoložljivost udeležencev'' 4PM Koledarju, bodisi zaradi odsotnosti, drugega sestanka, ipd. Ko sestanek shranimo, je prikazan v poštnem koledarju (Outlook) in v Moj4PM povabljenih oseb, ki povabilo sprejmejo ali zavrnejo.
Na sprejet sestanek povabljeni vpisujejo opravljene ure.
====Pošiljanje obvestil o novih / spremenjenih sestanki====
*Automatic &gt;= Manual (Task progress is slower)
Odvisno od '''splošnih nastavitev aplikacije:'''
*reported hours &lt;= allocated hours
*Vklopljeno – pošlje povabilo v Outlook, udeleženec sestanka lahko povabilo sprejme v poštnem odjemalcu
*Izklopljeno – ne pošilja ničesar, sestanki so evidentirani samo v 4PM.
===Potrjevanje sestankov===
Aplikacija omogoča dva načina sklicevanja sestankov (splošna nastavitev aplikacije), glede na '''začetno stanje sestanka''':
- '''predviden''': sklican sestanek mora odgovorna oseba potrditi (ko je dovolj potrjenih udeležb),
- '''potrjen''': sklicanega sestanka ni treba dodatno potrjevati.
===Sinhronizacija s poštnim odjemalcem===
*Automatic &gt; Manual (Task progress is slower)  
Povabljene osebe dobijo na e-poštni naslov '''povabilo na sestanek''', ki ga v '''koledarju''' sprejmejo ali zavrnejo s pomočjo akcijskih gumbov nad glavo sporočila. Ko povabilo sprejmejo (accept), ga prestavijo v '''koledar e-poštnega odjemalca'''.
*reported hours &gt; allocated hours
Oseba, ki je sestanek sklicala, ima potrjen sestanek že v koledarju. Ostale osebe morajo poslati odgovor na povabilo: sprejet ali zavrnjen sestanek.  
Some task may have ''multiple assignments'' (more task participants). Task progress is calculated as average of all assignments. Assignments with more allocated hours have higher value. If task has no allocated hours, than only approximate value of progress is given, based on&nbsp;% progress and hours done.  
Vsakič, ko oseba, ki je povabljena na sestanek, izvede akcijo (sprejme ali zavrne), so vse povabljene osebe obveščene in dobijo obvestilo o spremembi. Enako velja za preklicane sestanke.
== Status of tasks, milestones  ==
Deluje, ko je vklopljeno pošiljanje e-sporočil; testirano za MS Outlook, Lotus Notes.
*[[Image:3.13.ikonaOpravljeno.JPG]] '''allocated''' - new task that user should accept first in order to be able to report hours.
*[[Image:Naloga sprejeta.JPG]]'''accepted''' - user can report hours, enter comments
*[[Image:4.7.ikonaRdecKrizec.jpg]] '''rejected''' - task rejected by assignee. No hours can be reported. Project manager needs to confirm rejection.  
*[[Image:Ura.JPG]] '''done''' - assignee has done the task. Project managed needs to '''close''' or '''reject''' task (return to assignee). Assignee can '''cancel''' the status to '''accepted''' until it is closed.
*[[Image:4.2.9.ikonaKljukcaZelena.jpg]] '''closed''' - Project manager has reviewed done task and can '''close''' it for work reporting and editing. Project manager can close and evaluate the task, confirm eligible project hours.
**'''green''' - task was done in due date
**'''reed''' - task was late
====Dobro je vedeti====  
==== Important ====
* ''Projektni vodja sestanke sklicuje pri načrtovanju projektov: NALOGE & MEJNIKI, ali pa neposredno v Moj4PM / VNOS / SKLIČI SESTANEK.''
* ''Na sestanke lahko vabimo samo uporabnike 4PM (sodelavce).''
*Project manager can any time close the task, regardless its status. By closing the task, no editing or reporting on hours spent is possible.  
*'''Changes of task status''' are accessible at "show changes to task statuses".
== Uvoz in izvoz poteka projekta - Excel==
=== E-mail notifications on new and changed milestones, tasks  ===
Poenostavljen vnos projektne strukture s pomočjo Excelove table ('''UVOZ/IZVOZ''') – potek:  
# V 4PM najprej uredimo projekt in udeležence.  
'''E-mail settings''' are set in general settings of the application
## izvozimo osnovno strukturo projekta, če je ta že vnesena. Pri izvozu v Excel dobimo datoteko, ki vsebuje osnovne podatke o projektu (seznam aktivnosti in seznam oseb, ki so na projektu):
===Urejanje tabele v Excelu===
*'''off:''' no e-mail are sent,
*'''automatic:''' sends e-mail to all participants on the task and to project manager
*'''manual:''' new button is added '''SAVE AND NOTIFY''' - user can select who to sent notification. If you don't select and recipient, activity is saved and no e-mail is sent.
*STOLPCI A-D: urejanje nivoja posameznih tipov. Primer. Faza je nadrejena nalogi, mejniku. Naloga ima podrejene resurse (osebe)
== Task relations  ==
*ZNAK +: v katerem nivoju želimo urejati tip vpisov (uporabi enter ali tabulator za potrditev izbire)
*E: iz spustnega seznama izberemo tip: faza, mejnik, naloga, sestanek, resurs.
*F: NAZIV za fazo, nalogo. Polja ne smemo preimenovati oz. urejati, če je že v 4PM.
*G: OKRAJŠAVA (samo pri fazi)
*H: AKTIVNOST – izberemo pri nalogah, mejnikih, sestankih. Polja ne smemo preimenovati oz. urejati, če je že v 4PM.
*I: OSEBA: pri resursih, mejnikih, fazah. Lahko dodajamo nove resurse na že obstoječe tipe (naloge).
*J: OPIS: vse izbire, razen pri resursih
*K: PRIČETEK: pri nalogah in fazah. Pri izbiri sestanka določimo še uro (16.9.2011 10:00)
*L: ZAKLJUČEK: pri nalogah, fazah in mejnikih. Pri izbiri sestanka določimo tudi uro
*M: URE: število ur pri fazah in resursih
*N: LOKACIJA – samo sestanki
*O: VREDNOST – samo faza
*P: PRIORITETA – samo naloge (spustni seznam).
Task can be interconnected. Child task is connected to parent task in tab of task pop-up: '''CORRELATIONS'''  
*''V Excel urejamo vrstice, ki so že v 4PM (so bile izpolnjene pri izvozu iz 4PM) – vse razen v stolpcih NAZIV (F) in AKTIVNOST (H).  
*Pri uvozu v 4PM se bodo podatki osvežili in dopolnili z novimi''.
*''Dodajamo lahko poljubno število novih vrstic. Paziti moramo, da je struktura pravilno zastavljena.''  
*''Tabela mora biti shranjena v .xls formatu (Excel 1997-2003).''  
====Uvoz strukture projekta iz Excelove tabele v 4PM====
*End date of parent task must be one day before start date of child task.
# V zavihku '''PROJEKT/NALOGE IN MEJNIKI/ POTEK PROJEKTA''' izberemo gumb '''UVOZ''' in
*If a task has allocated hours (or has status accepted) it is not possible to change task duration. ''Tip: First plan tasks with relations, later add task participants.''  
# naložimo dokument s pripravljeno strukturo projekta.  
*task relations are possible only within a phase
# Če so v dokumentu napake (izpolnjena napačna polja, glede na tip, manjkajoča polja) nas 4PM opozori, v katerih vrsticah so napake.  
*task assignee cannot accept child task until parent task is closed.  
# Prekličemo uvoz,  
*if child task has hours entered, parent task cannot be re-opened.  
# popravimo napake in
*If a task has child task, than end date of parent task cannot be changed.  
# ponovno naložimo dokument.  
*Task can be edited if you remove correlations first, edit tasks and re-attach correlations.
# Ko je dokument pravilno urejen, se v obvestilih izpiše '''seznam novih vpisov''' in '''starih vpisov'''.  
Ko zaključimo z uvozom, lahko v 4PM POTEK PROJEKTA pregledamo popravljen potek projekta.
== Milestones ==
Milestones are point in project course. It can be:
*stand alone milestone
*end date of the phase (automatic)
*end date of task
Each milestone has one assignee.
=== Add new milestone ===
Click [[Image:4.3.ikonaUstvariMejnik.jpg]] to open a form.
#select activity,  
#enter description
#select organization and assignee
#set '''end date'''.
If milestone repeats, select frequency of repetition and end date of the repetition.
== Meetings ==
Meetings are special type of project task with additional functionality that connect them to Calendar (Outlook)
=== New meeting ===
Project meetings are organized in 4PM by clicing [[Image:4.3.ikonaSkliciSestanek.jpg]] to open form:
#select activity (meeting, board meeting),
#enter meeting subject (task name),
#enter task venue
#date, start and end hours,
#enter description and attach link to documents [[Image:IkonaPriponka.JPG]],
#select meeting participants (send invitation to)
and save.
4PM verifies the availability of participants in 4PM calendar (absence, another meeting). Once you save, 4PM sends e-mail invitation to Calendar (Outlook) and in My 4PM Calendar. Participants can enter hours for accepted meeting.
==== E-mail notifications for meetings  ====
'''General application settings'''
*ON – meeting invitation is sent to meeting invitees. Invitation can be accepted in Calendar and confirmation is sent to meeting organizer.
*OFF – no e-mail is sent, meeting appears only in 4PM.
=== Meeting Confirmation ===
*'''planned''': meeting must be confirmed
=== Integration with mail client ===
* Invited participants of the meeting receive '''meeting invitation'''.
* Invitation can be accepted or rejected in the e-mail client calendar. Reply is sent to organizer's mail.
* Meeting organizer receives confirmed meeting to e-mail client calendar.

Latest revision as of 08:46, 12 February 2016

Project plan

  • Project team members must perform certain activities to achieve project goals in set time frames. Project activities can be phases, work packages, tasks, milestones...
  • Preparing project schedule and Gantt-chart is simultaneous with task and activity allocation to team members. All corrections (dates, content) are available to team members in real time, with no delays.
  • Project team members use tasks for every-day collaboration and communication (entering comments, uploading and sharing project documents) and reporting (task progress reporting, hours done)
  • All information is archived, organized and available to use. All communication can be also sent by e-mails.

Project course is scheduled in 4PM and at the same time tasks and assignments are allocated to 4PM users in a transparent manner (in 4PM and by e-mail).

How to plan project schedule

Project task milestone tree.JPG

Project schedule (Gantt-chart) is made by the use of phases, tasks and milestones:

  • phase is created by clicking the icon 4.3.ikonaDodajFazo.jpg,
  • task click 4.3.ikonaDodajNalogo.jpg; to delegate task to one or more team members it should be assigned to project participants (add).
  • milestone click 4.3.ikonaUstvariMejnik.jpg,
  • meeting click 4.3.ikonaSkliciSestanek.jpg
  • Import and Export to Excel 4.3.ikonaIzvozInUvoz.jpg
  • click 4.3.ikonaDodaj(zelenKrogPlus).jpg to add child activity to phase.

Management of project phases

Phase can be:

  • a group of similar project activities (work package, WP)
  • group of activities in narrower time limit
  • smaller project (sub project)...

New phase

Phase edit new.JPG
  1. click icon 4.3.ikonaDodajFazo.jpg to open form.
  2. enter phase name and abbreviation
  3. select head of phase (from the list of participants),
  4. planned hours of work (optional)
  5. planned start and end date
  6. and short description.
Phase view.JPG
  • Each phase can have any number of sub-phases.4.3.ikonaDodajFazo.jpg
  • Head of the phase receives milestone for the phase end date.

Phase and cost planning and cost monitoring

  1. financial plan and cost can be monitored at the level of individual phases.
    • If financial plan is inserted first, later added phases inherit planned costs types in the value of 0. In this case, you can monitor the level of implementation of each phase, a comparison of the plan and implementation is at the level of the project.
  2. Financial plan and implementation can be monitored on the level of individual phase (work package).
    1. enter project activity plan by phases and activities (Gantt chart, project schedule)
    2. connect project activities with financial plan.

This is important for project management and reporting for co-financed projects.

Task management

Task is basic unit of the project with allocated resources. It represents an activity that is necessary to achieve project goal(s).

4PM uses task to:

  1. schedule project activities. Each task has set duration (start and end date), it has content (what to do) and one or more assigned participants. Task progress and status can be monitored
  2. collaboration and communication - by exchanging task comments and task documents. Integrated e-mailing systems enables effective communication in the group.
  3. daily reporting on work progress - each team member can access all relevant task information: task due date, allocated time and time spent, task progress of co-workers. Simple reporting forms enable time effective daily reporting and communication tool. Once a task is completed, a status is changed and notification sent to project manager.

New task

Click icon 4.3.ikonaDodajNalogo.jpg to open form. New tasks can be added in My 4PM/Insert/new task.

  1. select activity for task performance. Use list of project activities.
  2. enter task name (short description).
  3. set start and end date for the task.
    • if activity has set general duration (please check General/classification/list of activities) then application suggests end date (it can be changed)
    • if warning display for dates is on, then all dates must be within parent activity (phase, project)
    • if task does not have planned end date and allocated hours, it cannot used for resource load planning.
  4. optionally enter task description and
  5. attach links to documents
  6. select organization
  7. add assignees:
    • project participants (one or more) or
    • working groups (must be added to project).
  8. add number of available hours for a task for each individual
  9. optionally enter individual's task description (double click + confirm)
  10. confirm by 'ADD
  11. save and send e-mail notification to all task members.

Edit task

To change dates, add new task members, change description, add a comment, click task name to open task form in: any list of tasks, Gantt-chart, project course... Click 2.2.2.ikonaSvincnik.jpg to open task for editing.

Task details are accessible by clicking 2.2.2.ikonaLupa.jpg:

  • parent phase of the task
  • task reporter,
  • task duration,
  • list of task participants (assigned to) and state of task (task progress estimation)

Task and documents

Task can have links to documents:

  • that are up-loaded to 4PM (folder Tasks or any other project sub-folder that user can access
  • direct up-load to task in the field description or comments.

Comments - collaboration

Task comments.JPG

Team communication and collaboration is by task comments:

  • comments entered on a task (edit)
  • comments at project work reporting (daily description of work on task)
  • comments at task actions (accept, reject, done, finished, cancelled)
  • automatic comments on task actions

Comments can have links to documentsIkonaPriponka.JPG. Comments can be

  1. only saved to task or
  2. saved and sent by e-mail notification IkonaPismo.JPG to:
    • all team members
    • all task members
    • project manager.

Tasks and EU Projects

Tasks on EU projects need to have set cost field. To plan project activities you need to put financial plan to 4PM first with planned personnel costs and cost fiels.

Same task can have various cost fields set (each assignment needs to have set cost field).

  • double-click on the field cost field at assignment
  • select planned cost field
  • confirm 4.2.9.ikonaKljukcaZelena.jpg

Task progress

4PM supports two possibilities to monitor task progress and execution:

  • Automatic - assignment needs to have allocated (planned) hours (>0): task progress is automatically calculated at each work entry by formula: (hours done/allocated hours)*100.
  • Manual - each task participant enters personal estimation, which can be different from automatic.

Colours of task progress


  • Manual <= Automatic (Task progress is faster or the same as planned)
  • closed assignments: 100 % progress


  • Automatic >= Manual (Task progress is slower)
  • reported hours <= allocated hours


  • Automatic > Manual (Task progress is slower)
  • reported hours > allocated hours

Some task may have multiple assignments (more task participants). Task progress is calculated as average of all assignments. Assignments with more allocated hours have higher value. If task has no allocated hours, than only approximate value of progress is given, based on % progress and hours done.

Status of tasks, milestones

  • 3.13.ikonaOpravljeno.JPG allocated - new task that user should accept first in order to be able to report hours.
  • Naloga sprejeta.JPGaccepted - user can report hours, enter comments
  • 4.7.ikonaRdecKrizec.jpg rejected - task rejected by assignee. No hours can be reported. Project manager needs to confirm rejection.
  • Ura.JPG done - assignee has done the task. Project managed needs to close or reject task (return to assignee). Assignee can cancel the status to accepted until it is closed.
  • 4.2.9.ikonaKljukcaZelena.jpg closed - Project manager has reviewed done task and can close it for work reporting and editing. Project manager can close and evaluate the task, confirm eligible project hours.
    • green - task was done in due date
    • reed - task was late


  • Project manager can any time close the task, regardless its status. By closing the task, no editing or reporting on hours spent is possible.
  • Changes of task status are accessible at "show changes to task statuses".

E-mail notifications on new and changed milestones, tasks

Task work plan.JPG

E-mail settings are set in general settings of the application

  • off: no e-mail are sent,
  • automatic: sends e-mail to all participants on the task and to project manager
  • manual: new button is added SAVE AND NOTIFY - user can select who to sent notification. If you don't select and recipient, activity is saved and no e-mail is sent.

Task relations

Task can be interconnected. Child task is connected to parent task in tab of task pop-up: CORRELATIONS

  • End date of parent task must be one day before start date of child task.
  • If a task has allocated hours (or has status accepted) it is not possible to change task duration. Tip: First plan tasks with relations, later add task participants.
  • task relations are possible only within a phase
  • task assignee cannot accept child task until parent task is closed.
  • if child task has hours entered, parent task cannot be re-opened.
  • If a task has child task, than end date of parent task cannot be changed.
  • Task can be edited if you remove correlations first, edit tasks and re-attach correlations.


New milestone.JPG

Milestones are point in project course. It can be:

  • stand alone milestone
  • end date of the phase (automatic)
  • end date of task

Each milestone has one assignee.

Add new milestone

Click 4.3.ikonaUstvariMejnik.jpg to open a form.

  1. select activity,
  2. enter description
  3. select organization and assignee
  4. set end date.

If milestone repeats, select frequency of repetition and end date of the repetition.


New meeting.JPG

Meetings are special type of project task with additional functionality that connect them to Calendar (Outlook)

New meeting

Project meetings are organized in 4PM by clicing 4.3.ikonaSkliciSestanek.jpg to open form:

  1. select activity (meeting, board meeting),
  2. enter meeting subject (task name),
  3. enter task venue
  4. date, start and end hours,
  5. enter description and attach link to documents IkonaPriponka.JPG,
  6. select meeting participants (send invitation to)

and save.

4PM verifies the availability of participants in 4PM calendar (absence, another meeting). Once you save, 4PM sends e-mail invitation to Calendar (Outlook) and in My 4PM Calendar. Participants can enter hours for accepted meeting.

E-mail notifications for meetings

General application settings

  • ON – meeting invitation is sent to meeting invitees. Invitation can be accepted in Calendar and confirmation is sent to meeting organizer.
  • OFF – no e-mail is sent, meeting appears only in 4PM.

Meeting Confirmation


  • planned: meeting must be confirmed
  • confirmed

Integration with mail client

  • Invited participants of the meeting receive meeting invitation.
  • Invitation can be accepted or rejected in the e-mail client calendar. Reply is sent to organizer's mail.
  • Meeting organizer receives confirmed meeting to e-mail client calendar.