Project groups/en/

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project types, EU projects, project status, analytics, reasons for closure

Various possibilites for project classification:

  • project types: EU project (eur), commercial project (com), researc&development (r&d), study (std), engineering (eng), internal (int), budgetary (bdg), work package (d), faza (e); special types: research & investment (rip), eContent (evs), crossborder (brd), crossborder master (brdm), competence centre (kc).
  • project status: in plan, active, closed...
  • project groups (division):
  • analytics
  • EU projects: 6OP, 7OP, CIP, EUREKA, COST, TEMPUS III...
  • reasons for closure: successfull

Project groups

A list of your project groups is set in the tab GENERAL / PROJECTS / project groups.

Project groups can help you organize your projects to groups with similar characterstics (i.e. divisions, programmes, areas...).

Project groups have impact on following features:

  • possible integration with other IS (ERP system: project group = cost center)
  • user rights for project groups.

We recommend that project groups match accounting categoriy of cost field if you would like to integrate 4PM with your ERP.
Only entries without bound records can be deleted. To keep drop-down lists up-to-date administrator can deactivate each entry. 

New entry: open the form by clicking the button "add": enter name of project group and save.

Attention: Application administrator configures (add, edit, delete, deactivate) 4PM to organizational's needs: project groups, analytics, etc. Only project types depend on the licence